Insights, Practice and Tools to Optimize Outcomes: Advancing Treatment for Complex Coronary Artery Disease


The following information is not treatment advice for any particular patient. Physicians should use their clinical judgment and experience when deciding how to treat patients. Please reference the Instructions for Use for more information. Suggestions offered are based on physician experience. Your medical choices for your patients are to be based upon their condition and your medical judgment. CSI does not recommend or endorse any particular course of treatment or medical choice.



•    How complex coronary disease is affecting today’s interventional practice
•    What are the algorithm(s) for identifying and treating today’s complex coronary patients
•    How do we best plan for and optimize complex coronary procedures
•    What are the research insights we need to advance complex coronary care



Ziad Ali, MD
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY

Thom Dahle, MD
St. Cloud Hospital, St. Cloud, MN

James McCabe, MD
University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA

Ajay Kirtane, MD
Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY


This program was supported by CSI:  CSI: Cardiovascular Systems, INC.

