Contrast-InducedOsprey/Abiomed: Acute Kidney Injury: Preventive Measures that Work in High Risk Patients

This program was supported by : Osprey and Abiomed logos



Somjot S. Brar

Somjot Brar, MD
Kaiser Permanente
Los Angeles, CA


Roxana Mehran, MD

Roxana Mehran, MD
Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai
New York, NY


Anan Prasad, MD

Anand Prasad, MD
UT Health San Antonio

San Antonio, TX




Amit Amin, MD
Washington University of St. Louis
St. Louis, MO

Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD
Minneapolis Heart Institute
Minneapolis, MN

Michael P. Flaherty, MD, PhD
Baptist Health Medical
Group Louisville
Louisville, KY
Gennaro Giustino, MD
Icahn School of Medicine
at Mount Sinai
New York, NY
Nandish Thukral, MD
Methodist Heart Hospital
San Antonio, TX



Case Review: Complex PCI Post TAVR Implant
Anand Prasad

Prevent AKI in High Risk Patients?
Michael P. Flaherty

Contrast Media and Acute Kidney Injury
Amit Amin

AKI Reduction in the Cath Lab: Protocol Development, Implementation and Outcomes
Nandish Thukral

Back to the Case: How Did I Manage This Patient?
Anand Prasad



Contrast-InduceOsprey/Abiomed: Acute Kidney Injury: Preventive Measures that Work in High Risk Patients

Osprey/Abiomed: Acute Kidney Injury: Preventive Measures that Work in High Risk Patients

