Image-Guided PCI from Physiology to Planning to Intervention - Siemens


Artificial intelligence and automation are at the forefront of nearly everything we do whether it is using Alexa or Siri, perhaps if you’re driving a Tesla or certainly your Twitter feeds. AI and automation are also playing a bigger role in the cath lab. Join us as we explore how AI, automation and advanced imaging can help you optimize patient care.


Ziad Ali - Image-Guided PCI from Physiology to Planning to Intervention

Ziad Ali, MD
New York Presbyterian Hospital
New York, NY

Farouc Jaffer Farouc Jaffer, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA
Bill Lombardi, MD
Bill Lombardi, MD
University of Washington Hospital
Seattle, WA



  • Angio-derived FFR: Changing the Physiology Paradigm – Ziad Ali, MD, New York Presbyterian Hospital
  • AI-guided PCI from Stenting to CTO Intervention – Farouc Jaffer, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Advancing PCI through Robotic Automation – Bill Lombardi, MD, University of Washington Hospital




 This program is sponsored by: Image-Guided PCI from Physiology to Planning to Intervention - Siemens

