Amgen -  Optimizing Medical Management Post Revascularization: A focus on LDL-C


This case discussion with Ajay Kirtane, Roxana Mehran, and Sripal Bangalore discusses the clinical care of an ACS patient with multivessel disease, focusing upon Interventional strategies in and out of the cath lab.


Moderator:  Ajay Kirtane

Panel: Roxana Mehran; Sripal Bangalore


Ajay Kirtane Ajay Kirtane, MD
New York, NY
Roxana Mehran, MD Roxana Mehran, MD, FACC 
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New York, NY
Sripal Bangalore, MD Sripal Bangalore, MD, MHA
New York University
School of Medicine
New York, NY



                                                   This program was supported by: Amgen - Optimizing LDL-C Management in Patients Undergoing Revascularization: More Than Just the Metal