Clinical impact of the use of thrombus aspiration devices in primary angioplasty. Insights from the multicentric study ESTROFA-MI.

Presenter: Jose De la Torre Hernandez, Fernando Alfonso, Victoria Martin Yuste, Angel Sanchez Recalde, Manuel Jimenez Navarro, Armando P?rez de Prado, HERNANDEZ FELIPE, Omar Abdul-Jawad Altisent, Neus Salvatella, Tamara Garcia Camarero, Jaime Elizaga, Ramon Calvi?o, Jose Moreu, Francisco Bosa, Jesus Jimenez Mazuecos, Jose Ruiz Arroyo, Bruno Garcia de Blanco, Jose Rumoroso

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Clinical impact of the use of thrombus aspiration devices in primary angioplasty. Insights from the multicentric study ESTROFA-MI.

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