Presentation Coronary CT Angiography vs. Standard Evaluation in Acute Chest Pain Presenter: Udo Hoffmann July 25, 2012 REGISTER for free or LOG IN to view this content Angiography/QCA CT/CT-FFR Factoid Up Next Presentation TCTAP 2012 What’s the Benchmark: Is there a Gold Standard for SFA Revascularization? Presenter: Lawrence A. Garcia April 25, 2012 More slides + Presentation ESC 2012 Randomized Comparison of Intra-aortic Balloon Counterpulsation vs. Optimal Medical Therapy in Addition to Early Revasacularization in AMI and Cardiogenic Shock Presenter: 168042|Holger Thiele August 27, 2012 Presentation TCTAP 2012 Drug-Eluting Stent In Lower Extremity Intervention: Changed Landscape in the Current Practice? Presenter: Mark W. Burket April 26, 2012 We Recommend
Presentation TCTAP 2012 What’s the Benchmark: Is there a Gold Standard for SFA Revascularization? Presenter: Lawrence A. Garcia April 25, 2012
Presentation ESC 2012 Randomized Comparison of Intra-aortic Balloon Counterpulsation vs. Optimal Medical Therapy in Addition to Early Revasacularization in AMI and Cardiogenic Shock Presenter: 168042|Holger Thiele August 27, 2012
Presentation TCTAP 2012 Drug-Eluting Stent In Lower Extremity Intervention: Changed Landscape in the Current Practice? Presenter: Mark W. Burket April 26, 2012