Presentation TCT 2015 Evolution of the Minimalist Approach: A Generalizable Strategy to Improve Procedural Efficiency and Maintain Optimal Outcomes Presenter: Helene Eltchaninoff October 15, 2015 REGISTER for free or LOG IN to view this content Presentation TCT 2015 Up Next Presentation TCT 2015 Intervention for Tricuspid Regurgitation: What Do the Guidelines Say? (ACC/AHA and ESC/EACTS) Presenter: Alec S. Vahanian October 15, 2015 More slides + Presentation TCT 2015 Anatomical and Procedural Factors Associated With Aortic Root Rupture During TAVR Presenter: Isaac George October 15, 2015 Presentation TCT 2015 Debate: Adjunctive Imaging Before and During TAVR Selective (Even Frequent) TEE Trumps the Minimalist Approach for Optimal TAVR Outcomes! Presenter: Rebecca T. Hahn October 15, 2015 We Recommend
Presentation TCT 2015 Intervention for Tricuspid Regurgitation: What Do the Guidelines Say? (ACC/AHA and ESC/EACTS) Presenter: Alec S. Vahanian October 15, 2015
Presentation TCT 2015 Anatomical and Procedural Factors Associated With Aortic Root Rupture During TAVR Presenter: Isaac George October 15, 2015
Presentation TCT 2015 Debate: Adjunctive Imaging Before and During TAVR Selective (Even Frequent) TEE Trumps the Minimalist Approach for Optimal TAVR Outcomes! Presenter: Rebecca T. Hahn October 15, 2015