Presentation TCT 2012 Getting Started in an Academic Group Practice: What to Do and What Not to Do Presenter: Michael Rinaldi October 26, 2012 REGISTER for free or LOG IN to view this content Policy & Practice Presentation TCT 2012 Up Next Presentation TCT 2012 Case 4: A Retrograde Failure That Changed My Clinical Practice Presenter: Georgios Sianos October 22, 2012 More slides + Presentation Efficacy and Safety of Intensified Antiplatelet Therapy Based on Reactivity Testing After PCI Presenter: D?niel Aradi July 11, 2012 Presentation Frequency of Conduction Disturbances after Edwards SAPIEN Percutaneous Valve Implantation Presenter: A. Laynez July 17, 2012 We Recommend
Presentation TCT 2012 Case 4: A Retrograde Failure That Changed My Clinical Practice Presenter: Georgios Sianos October 22, 2012
Presentation Efficacy and Safety of Intensified Antiplatelet Therapy Based on Reactivity Testing After PCI Presenter: D?niel Aradi July 11, 2012
Presentation Frequency of Conduction Disturbances after Edwards SAPIEN Percutaneous Valve Implantation Presenter: A. Laynez July 17, 2012