Presentation JIM 2016 How and when to use IVUS during CTO Presenter: Roberto Garbo February 11, 2016 REGISTER for free or LOG IN to view this content IVUS/NIRS CTO Presentation JIM 2016 Up Next Presentation TVT 2016 TVT 1035: Transapical Implantation of Mechanically Expanding Lotus Valve in a Native Severe Calcific Mitral Valve Stenosis Presenter: Renzo Pessotto June 16, 2016 More slides + Presentation ISET 2016 The First Visit Evaluation of a Patient with Superficial Venous Disease Presenter: Raghu Kolluri February 05, 2016 Presentation JIM 2016 The Synergy Stent: Optimal In Complex Patients Presenter: Giulio G. Stefanini February 10, 2016 We Recommend
Presentation TVT 2016 TVT 1035: Transapical Implantation of Mechanically Expanding Lotus Valve in a Native Severe Calcific Mitral Valve Stenosis Presenter: Renzo Pessotto June 16, 2016
Presentation ISET 2016 The First Visit Evaluation of a Patient with Superficial Venous Disease Presenter: Raghu Kolluri February 05, 2016
Presentation JIM 2016 The Synergy Stent: Optimal In Complex Patients Presenter: Giulio G. Stefanini February 10, 2016