Medical Therapy for PAD: PCSK9, SGLT2, Anticoagulation and Beyond
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Within the last 24 months, I have financial relationship(s) or affiliation(s) with a manufacturer, marketer, reseller, or distributor of a healthcare product or service involved in the management of patients with any cardiovascular disease to include devices, drugs, and digital health care products listed below:
- Dr. Bonaca is the Executive Director of CPC, a non-profit academic research organization affiliated with the University of Colorado, that receives research grant/consulting funding from this entity. (Institutional) - AstraZenca; Bayer AG; Merck/Schering Plough; Sanofi-Aventis; Abbott Vascular; Agios; Alexion; Anylam; AHA; Amgen; Angionetics; Anthos Therapeutics; ARCA Biopharma; Array; Atentiv; Audentes; Better Therapeutics; BWH; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Cambrian BioPharma; Cardiol; CellResearch; Cook Regentec; CSL Behring; Eidos Therapeutics; EP Trading Co; EPG Communications; Epizon Pharma; Esperion Therapeutics; Everylwell; Exicon Consulting; Faraday; Fortress Biotech; Heartflow; Insmed; Janssen; Kowa Research; Lexicon; Moderna; NIH; Novartis; NovoNordisk; PhaseBio; PPD Development; Prothena; Regeneron; Regio Biosciences; St. Luke's Hospital of Kansas City; Sanifit; Silence Therapeutics; Stealth BioTherapeutics; Thrombosis Research Institute; University of Colorado; University of Pittsburgh; VarmX; Worldwide Clinical Trials; Wraser; Yale Cardiovascular Research Group
- Dr. Bonaca reports modest stock holdings, and is the Executive Director of CPC, a non-profit academic research organization affiliated with the University of Colorado, that receives research grant/consulting funding from this entity. (Both) - Medtronic
- Dr. Bonaca reports modest stock holdings and is the Executive Director of CPC, a non-profit academic research organization affiliated with the University of Colorado, that receives research grant/consulting funding from this entity. (Both) - Pfizer
- Consultant Fee/Honoraria/Speaker's Bureau (Personal) - Audentes