Presentation Trends in the Use of Percutaneous Left Ventricular Assist Devices (LVADs) Presenter: R. Khera April 08, 2015 REGISTER for free or LOG IN to view this content Hemodynamic Support Hemodynamics Aortic Valve Factoid Up Next Presentation Intravascular Coronary Imaging and Physiology 2015 My FFR is 0.81: Now What? Presenter: Jeffrey W. Moses April 17, 2015 More slides + Presentation Intravascular Coronary Imaging and Physiology 2015 OCT for Lesion Assessment and Stent Optimization Presenter: Ziad A. Ali April 17, 2015 Presentation TCT 2015 Can CTO PCI Cure Depression? Presenter: Farouc Jaffer October 12, 2015 We Recommend
Presentation Intravascular Coronary Imaging and Physiology 2015 My FFR is 0.81: Now What? Presenter: Jeffrey W. Moses April 17, 2015
Presentation Intravascular Coronary Imaging and Physiology 2015 OCT for Lesion Assessment and Stent Optimization Presenter: Ziad A. Ali April 17, 2015